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Something magical this way comes...

A new adventure in conscious creativity begins at



The introvert-friendly, co-creative, collaborative space for gentle souls

and magically-brained beings who want to create,

but get in their own way or worry it’s too late

Abstract Background_edited.jpg
Image by Samuel Austin
There is a peaceful, playful way to cultivate the courage, time and space to do the work tugging at the sleeve of your soul.

A way free from striving and shoulds.
One that feels good deep in your bones.

​Encapsulating two decades worth of experiential and embodied

wisdom and training into a new body of work, The Magical Soul Snug

helps you get what matters to you done.


Even if like me, you’re a self-supporting neurodivergent creative with 

time blindness and a billion ideas!


This is a should-free, permission-rich space for wise, wonderful women with a dream in their heart, fire in their belly

and the call to create in their soul.


Women who despite hearing the call to create, are held back

by fear, self-doubt and shoulds.


Together we will embark on an adventure to embrace our enoughness,

make friends with fear and find our flow so that we can

honour the projects tugging at our soul.

Exploring the potency of pausing, playfulness, processes and projects,

we will rewrite the productivity rulebook. For ourselves.


Through integrating seasonal and supportive practices into our lives,

we will cultivate the courage and space to create alongside a small,

like-hearted community on a similar journey.


Come as you are.
Leave feeling more who you are.
What We Will Explore

In our virtual sanctuary, we will explore the three pillars behind

Gently encouraging and empowering you to heed the call to create.

Gentle Unshaming

What does grace mean to you?

In our first chapter, we will gently lay loving foundations for our future, by answering this question... for ourselves.


Permitting ourselves to play.

Unlearning rules that no longer serve us. Compassionately cultivating self-love.

Learning to love our inner little one.

Befriending fear and her friends.

Mothering ourselves. Nurturing our muse.


Loving Renaming

How do you create space?

In our second chapter, we will build upon our foundations by exploring soulful and seasonal approaches to creating space.

Exploring the potency of pausing.

Softening our Shoulds.

Playfully creating pockets of peace.

Leaning into lunar cycles.

Clearing our chakras.

Creating soulful support habits.


Reverent Reclaiming

Will you let love lead?

In our third chapter, we will harness and harmonise our discoveries so we can lovingly honour our sacred work. 

Embracing the power of processes.

Cultivating our creative vision.

Utilising our inherent intuition.

Finding our soul sweet spot.

Fostering our feminine flow.

Flourishing in community.

If the words above speak to your soul, this space is for you...

Join the Waiting List!

Leave your details below if you're interested in becoming a founding member.

I'll be in touch before The Magical Soul Snug begins (2024 after my Masters degree!)


Leaving your details doesn't commit you to joining 💗

Thanks for your interest! I will look after your details with love and be in touch soon 🙌

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